You guys, my baby sister is graduating from high school this year. I still have a hard time believing it, even though I’m married with a baby.
At the end of February, I had the pleasure of taking her senior photos. It was a strange feeling because she’s not the eight year old I still picture in my head when I think about her. She’s grown into a strong, independent, intelligent, funny young woman. I don’t see her a lot, so getting to capture her personality in various sessions over our two and a half days together was so fun.
We even managed to get her into a dress and makeup. She was an absolute trooper as I did awkward dances to make her laugh and pose in weird places. She even ditched her jacket a few times (and it was not warm for most of our time) and did close to five hundred stairs up and down. From pirate to princess, to just casual, I'm glad I was able to get creative with her photos.