Very few things will outlive you.

That is an unfortunate and sad fact that we have to face as human beings. Just about everything we own is temporary and there are only a few things that we consider valuable that our descendants will actually want once we're gone. One of the things that I personally love to look at are old photos, especially old photos of my family and those who came before.

Getting photos taken used to be a big to-do. I remember even twenty years ago, when I was a child, getting dressed up to go have our photos taken. Even if it was just going to JC Penny, or picture day at school, we made sure we were dressed well because you knew that Mom would be hanging those photos on the wall and sending them off to all the grandparents.

Now, it's easy to let professional photos slide. We all have a camera in our pockets that can capture a moment and send it off to our friends in a second. There's a problem with that, though, especially when it comes to important days in your lives (like weddings and births).

Taking photos on your phone takes you out of the moment.

Looking at most of the photos on my phone, they're of my child on his own, or of my husband and my son. I am in very few of them. It isn't until someone else takes a photo of all of us that I actually get to be in a lot of photos. I get so removed from the moment when I'm taking photos on my phone that I forget to stop and savor the memory of my son's peanut butter face or the laughter of tickles.

More than that, there is another reason to invest in professional photos.

The quality is better.

A true professional knows how to work their camera in a way that casual snappers cannot. We spend time learning our cameras, learning how to light and pose our subjects, know how to edit the photos to best give you a timeless look that you'll want to pass on to your children and grandchildren. We can recommend or order prints from labs that casual consumers cannot use or aren't aware of the quality. Even the subtle difference between ordering from a drugstore and a professional lab will give you photos that will stand the test of time.

Finally, consider it was it is: an investment. Professional, high quality photography is something that will last long after we are gone. If you consider the years that your photos will last after your session, it just makes sense. I know it can seem like a lot upfront, but when you consider the years that the photos will be enjoyed and your moments preserved, isn't it worth it?